
Remote access and control of dispensing stations

Remote access and control of dispensing stations

All new generation ACON chemical dosing stations feature built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth remote access. It is no longer necessary to purchase separate remote access units to get the current and necessary functionality of modern dosing stations.

Remote control is realized via the mobile applications ACON WEB CONTROL and ACON Bluetooth CONTROL. Access in the application is divided into 3 levels:

Работа. Пользовательский раздел с возможностью мониторинга значений и изменениях их, рамки которых задаются в сервисном разделе. Также присутствует возможность изменения режима нагрузки на бассейн.

Настройки. Раздел для обслуживающего персонала с возможностью отслеживания статистики и изменения режимов фильтрации, обратной промывки и долива.

Сервис. Сервисный раздел с возможностью изменения всех функций станции дозирования по Bluetooth. В WEB версии часть функционала недоступна, потому что некоторые настройки такие как калибровка датчиков либо смена назначения дозирующих насосов требуют физического присутствия на объекте.

По умолчанию на разделы настройки и сервис установлены пароли, которые можно изменить. Данное разделение на уровни позволяет предоставить доступ согласно компетентность сотрудника или пользователя.

Let's take a look at the main benefits of having remote access:

1. Ease of use. Remote access allows maintenance personnel to operate the dosing station from anywhere in the world and at any time of day. They can receive information about the current values of the station indicators and adjust the values of a particular indicator if necessary. The dosing statistics log, indicator statistics log, event log for 30 days in daily increments and 24 hours in hourly increments allow constant analysis of the swimming pool water condition.

2. Improved efficiency. Remote access allows the chemical dosing station to be managed more efficiently. In the event of an emergency, the station sends an email with the name of the facility, the serial number in the subject line, and in the body of the email the date, time, and the event itself.

Example email:

In the station settings, you can set up to three mailboxes to which notifications will be sent. This functionality allows you to react to problems in the swimming pool instantly, making it possible to prevent potentially dangerous situations before they become critical.

3. saving time and money. Remote access allows the dosing station to be set up without physically being on site. This greatly reduces the cost of traveling to the site and saves employees time traveling. Daily dosing limits, filtration modes, automatic backwash cycles and refill settings can now be changed remotely.
